Friday, December 23, 2011

Blow Out the Candles and Make A Wish!

Two months of joy, delight, celebration, and experiencing the promises and roots of family run deeper and deeper.

It’s amazing.

HE made us a family and has overwhelmed us with miracles.
Abounding miracles.

A little boy who spoke only SiSwati and was plagued with night terrors in April is now completely bi-lingual and talks in his sleep about his friends and his mama… while he dreams in English!

Once marked “abandoned”, this boy called “the one who belongs” made the cottage a hot spot for the kids on base, took delight once he figured out the concept of sharing, and made this mama’s heart dance when he would shout outside to his friends, “I’m going to go ask my mom!” while bounding in and joyfully shouting, “MAAAMAA!!!”

But even more importantly, He gets Jesus. He loves to pray. He loves to worship. He understands that he belongs in a family. And that helps him understand Jesus more.

Over the months, he’s watched this cake-baking, paper-chain-making, party-throwing mama delight in the birthdays of those who’ve never been celebrated. Most children and adults in the SiSwati culture have never had a birthday party. 

His 4th birthday is December 29th. Lifa just went to stay at his dad’s house for Christmas and his birthday, but I had to give him a taste of his very own birthday cake. I wanted him to hear his name in a song. And I wanted him to be celebrated just for being him.

Once he got that… I could translate into 4-yr-old what Christmas is. Jesus’ birthday!
“Taste and see that the Lord is good…” Psalm 34:8a

Tshepiso getting in the pool with style!

Nicole and Josiah on water-gun duty.

Lifa-in-training. After summer rains, the pool started looking like the Guadalupe River . So I pulled out my tube to let him get some practice! The kids just weren't patient enough to let me blow it up all the way.

Abigail making birthday bubbles.

After celebrating him with family and friends, Lifa was ecstatic to have a birthday party for Jesus.

For our Christmas celebration, we put on party hats, had ice cream with sprinkles, and sang happy birthday to Jesus. We talked about how we give gifts when we love people. And that Jesus loves us soooooo much and we love Him soooooooo much that we give each other gifts to celebrate Jesus’ love.

Before we opened presents, he said we needed to pray. With arms wrapped around his ready-to-be-opened gifts, he squished his little eyes closed and said, “Thank you Jesus for ice cream. Thank you Jesus for presents. Thank you Jesus for birthdays. Thank you Jesus for food. Thank you Jesus for bathtubs. Thank you Jesus for you love. Aaamen.”

Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus.

As you read this, say a “Thank you Jesus” and a prayer for His mysterious and miraculous comforting presence around Lifa this Christmas while he is with his father. And say it out loud. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to let Lifa hear all the prayers prayed for him aloud, wherever they come from and wherever he is.

Monday, December 5, 2011

End of the Year School Party

A whole new level of family happened with a cross-cultural bang this weekend as we celebrated with Lifa's preschool in Mbonisweni. Neither one of us had ever been to a celebration like this, and I think that even though our experiences were completely different, it was another seal of grace, joy and God's presence as a cross-cultural family learning to walk, talk and love together. 

House music intermission between every part of the program. They couldn't help but dance.

Singing the South African National Anthem

Boys Traditional Dance

Girls Traditional Dance

Friday, November 25, 2011


After spending our second Thanksgiving together, we are overjoyed and feel more and more solidified as family. Lifa prayed the most perfect Thanksgiving prayer, and we haven't stopped the "thank you's" since.

"Thank you Jesus for eating. Thank you Jesus for play, play, play. Thank you Jesus for kids."

Last year's Thanksgiving:

This year's:
Our special Brazilian/African twist! Roasted pig!

Pre-feast warm-ups. You can never be too prepared for Thanksgiving!

Man party. Please excuse the view. 

All of this beautiful food. Lifa says, "I wannnt chiippsss."

Our beautiful table, set for 26. Notice whose kid is already sitting and waiting for food.!

Caught in the act!

TWO pieces of pie later... too tired and full to hold his head up straight, or even to move the spoon. This is how Thanksgiving should be. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tandaza Mama

We love being in the car together.

It's our time to sing, giggle, and take naps. (Lifa does all the napping.) Every morning, we pray on the way to preschool together. First me and then him.

For the first time since he's been back, I heard the little voice over the blaring worship music...

"Mama... Tandaza. Tandaza Mama."

"Mama... Pray. Pray Mama."

So I prayed. And then adjusted the rear-view mirror to watch his little eyes shut as tight as they could and hear his first whispered words... just like I do it... "Jesus...." A few minutes later, a resounding, "AMEN!"

I told Lifa how much Jesus loves when he talks to Him. And how much Jesus loves him.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Best Day EVER

My heart is absolutely swollen tonight as the giggles and kisses linger after what could truly go down in history as the best day ever. It was a play-date, Mama Kacy and Lifa kinda day. Just the two of us taking on playgrounds, medium pizzas and whatever kind of adventure we could find.

I saw parts of Lifa, parts that had been on self-protecting lock-down, open up and shine today. A new level of joy rose out of both of us. I was astounded once again of how much I can love one little person... no matter what he does, where he goes, how often I see him... He could do nothing to make me love him more or less.

And I can only give and receive such a fractional, scarred picture that kind of Abba Love. I can't imagine the joy He feels when we run up to Him calling His name, lips puckered, or even with flowing tears. Because today... it felt so good. Best Day Ever.

Choosing to be thankful for every single one we get.

Like a true gentleman, he offered to drive us on our big day out.
Loving the best kid ever on the best day ever...

He can climb tall buildings and mountains!
He can tame wild African animals!


He can defy gravity!

He can drink an entire mango in one sip!

And he can get moto-dates with 17-year-old girls in bikinis!

He even tried out the pool water for the first time today...

And he liked it!

Here's what happened when I tried to get a photo with him...

Please notice that he's licking me instead of kissing me...

Boys will be boys... This one just happens to be perfect.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Getting the Sparkle Back

We've had such a FUN week! I've had the joy and the honor of being on the front lines of God doing what He does best... restoring us to better than before. Lifa's sparkle is coming back! I'm watching the safety and security of him knowing he belongs build new hope in him. Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Little Miracles

Lifa's back! Lifa's back! Lifa's back!

We've rocked and rolled through rewritten expectations, resubmitted dreams, and revisited semantics of God's promises and character for the last 2 1/2 months... and the day has finally come! He's home!

I was devastated when we finally got word back from Lifa's father that Lifa could come visit for 2-3 weeks. When I should have been praising the Lord, I was sobbing over the idea of such a short time and the tumultuous adjusting such a perfect little boy has to go through over and over again.

God faithfully reminded me to choose Truth, choose promises, and know that He works for the good of those who love Him. His ways are higher than mine. So, despite all the feelings I was feeling, I chose a posture of thanksgiving and hope. God begin telling me to pray for miracles for Lifa.

He said to expect them. Look for them. And to listen, look and respond to His whispers. 
Like that one time a bleeding woman was healed because she reached out her hand for the edge of Jesus' garment. He said to reach for the edge and He'll take care of everything.

When Lifa comes back, it takes him days to adjust to the food, faces, language, attention, schedule, and everything else. Running water, a car, and a child-centered culture are not part of his normal.. much less his own bed with his name on the wall and a kid-friendly cottage full of toys from people who love him. Usually he doesn't speak for a few days except to me.

This time he was mad at me for being away so long. His dad said Lifa had been missing me, but when I arrived, he stuck that little chin high in the air and refused to look at me. Lifa held his body as tense as he could, until he fell asleep from the exhaustion of it all. It's a lot of adjusting for a little guy... and it's been that way his whole life.

But the little miracles have started pouring in and setting the stage for the bigger ones. 

His father said Lifa could stay FOR A MONTH!
And before even hearing a word on his very first night here, I heard a few precious giggles and even captured the sweetest little half-smile.
And he slept for 11 hours with no nightmares, or even a sound, on his first night. (That's more than a little miracle!)

Thank you Jesus for the little miracle named Lifa, and all the miracles You've written into his story. We receive all that you have for him and for us - and ask you for more. Thank you for your perfect Family love and faithfulness. Amen.