Sunday, October 30, 2011

Little Miracles

Lifa's back! Lifa's back! Lifa's back!

We've rocked and rolled through rewritten expectations, resubmitted dreams, and revisited semantics of God's promises and character for the last 2 1/2 months... and the day has finally come! He's home!

I was devastated when we finally got word back from Lifa's father that Lifa could come visit for 2-3 weeks. When I should have been praising the Lord, I was sobbing over the idea of such a short time and the tumultuous adjusting such a perfect little boy has to go through over and over again.

God faithfully reminded me to choose Truth, choose promises, and know that He works for the good of those who love Him. His ways are higher than mine. So, despite all the feelings I was feeling, I chose a posture of thanksgiving and hope. God begin telling me to pray for miracles for Lifa.

He said to expect them. Look for them. And to listen, look and respond to His whispers. 
Like that one time a bleeding woman was healed because she reached out her hand for the edge of Jesus' garment. He said to reach for the edge and He'll take care of everything.

When Lifa comes back, it takes him days to adjust to the food, faces, language, attention, schedule, and everything else. Running water, a car, and a child-centered culture are not part of his normal.. much less his own bed with his name on the wall and a kid-friendly cottage full of toys from people who love him. Usually he doesn't speak for a few days except to me.

This time he was mad at me for being away so long. His dad said Lifa had been missing me, but when I arrived, he stuck that little chin high in the air and refused to look at me. Lifa held his body as tense as he could, until he fell asleep from the exhaustion of it all. It's a lot of adjusting for a little guy... and it's been that way his whole life.

But the little miracles have started pouring in and setting the stage for the bigger ones. 

His father said Lifa could stay FOR A MONTH!
And before even hearing a word on his very first night here, I heard a few precious giggles and even captured the sweetest little half-smile.
And he slept for 11 hours with no nightmares, or even a sound, on his first night. (That's more than a little miracle!)

Thank you Jesus for the little miracle named Lifa, and all the miracles You've written into his story. We receive all that you have for him and for us - and ask you for more. Thank you for your perfect Family love and faithfulness. Amen.